Previous Council Members
September 2024 - August 2025
- President: Andrew Burton-Jones, University of Queensland
- President Elect: Dorothy E. Leidner, University of Virginia
- Immediate Past President: Nancy Pouloudi, Athens University of Economics & Business
- Member at large: Suprateek Sarker, University of Virginia
- Treasurer: Scott Boss, Bentley University
- Secretary: Sabine Matook, University of Queensland
- Vice President of Publications: Chee-Wee Tan, Copenhagen Business School
- Vice President of Conferences: Guillermo Rodriguez Abitia, William and Mary
- Vice President of SIGs and Chapters: Julia Kotlarsky, University of Auckland
- Vice President of Communications: Carol Hsu, University of Sydney
- Vice President of Strategic Partnerships: Michael Rosemann, Queensland University of Technology
- Vice President of Education: Christoph Rosenkranz, Cologne University
- Vice President of Member Services: Isabel Ramos, Universidade do Minho
- ICIS Representative: Souren Paul, Northern Kentucky University, USA
- Vice President of Region 3: Juan (Jane) Feng, Tsinghua University
- Vice President of Region 2: Tilo Böhmann, Universität Hamburg
- Vice President of Region 1: Kevin Schiebe, Iowa State University
September 2023 - August 2024
- President: Nancy Pouloudi, Athens University of Economics & Business
- President Elect: Andrew Burton-Jones, University of Queensland
- Immediate Past President: Suprateek Sarker, University of Virginia
- Member at large: Patrick Chau, University of Nottingham Ningbo
- Treasurer: Scott Boss, Bentley University
- Secretary: Sabine Matook, University of Queensland
- Vice President of Publications: Chee-Wee Tan, Copenhagen Business School
- Vice President of Conferences: Guillermo Rodriguez Abitia, William and Mary
- Vice President of SIGs and Chapters: Michelle Carter, Washington State University
- Vice President of Strategic Partnerships: Michael Rosemann, Queensland University of Technology
- Vice President of Education: Jan Marco Leimeister, University of St. Gallen & University of Kassel
- Vice President of Member Services: Isabel Ramos, Universidade do Minho
- ICIS Representative: Stacie Petter, Wake Forest University
- Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Manju Ahjua, University of Louisville, University of New South Wales
- Vice President of Region 3: Juan (Jane) Feng, Tsinghua University
- Vice President of Region 2: Pär Ågerfalk, Uppsala University
- Vice President of Region 1: Kevin Schiebe, Iowa State University
September 2022 - August 2023
- President: Suprateek Sarker, University of Virginia
- President Elect: Nancy Pouloudi, Athens University of Economics & Business
- Immediate Past President: Patrick Chau, University of Nottingham Ningbo
- Member at large: Brian Fitzgerald, Lero, University of Limerick
- Treasurer: Scott Boss, Bentley University
- Secretary: Sabine Matook, University of Queensland
- Vice President of Publications: Chee-Wee Tan, Copenhagen Business School
- Vice President of Conferences: Guillermo Rodriguez Abitia, William and Mary
- Vice President of SIGs and Chapters: Michelle Carter, Washington State University
- Vice President of Strategic Partnerships: Michael Rosemann, Queensland University of Technology
- Vice President of Education: Jan Marco Leimeister, University of St. Gallen & University of Kassel
- Vice President of Member Services: Isabel Ramos, Universidade do Minho
- ICIS Representative: Ryan Wright, University of Virginia
- Vice President of Region 3: Juan (Jane) Feng, Tsinghua University
- Vice President of Region 2: Tilo Böhmann, Universität Hamburg
- Vice President of Region 1: Monica Garfield, Bentley University
July 2021 - August 2022
- President: Patrick Chau, University of Nottingham Ningbo
- President Elect: Suprateek Sarker, University of Virginia
- Immediate Past President: Brian Fitzgerald, Lero, University of Limerick
- Treasurer: Vishal Midha, Illinois State University
- Secretary: Sabine Matook, University of Queensland
- Vice President of Publications: Rajiv Kohli, College of William & Mary
- Vice President of Conferences: Traci Carte, Illinois State University
- Vice President of SIGs and Chapters: Michelle Carter, Washington State University
- Vice President of Strategic Partnerships: Michael Rosemann, Queensland University of Technology
- Vice President of Education: Jan Marco Leimeister, University of St. Gallen & University of Kassel
- Vice President of Member Services: Helle Zinner Henriksen, Copenhagen Business School
- ICIS Representative: Souren Paul, Northern Kentucky University
- Vice President of Region 3: Atreyi Kankanhalli, National University of Singapore
- Vice President of Region 2: Tilo Böhmann, Universität Hamburg
- Vice President of Region 1: Monica Garfield, Bentley University
July 2020 – June 2021
- President: Brian Fitzgerald, Lero, University of Limerick
- President Elect: Patrick Chau, University of Nottingham Ningbo
- Immediate Past President: Alan Dennis, Indiana University
- Treasurer: Vishal Midha, Illinois State University
- Secretary: Shu Schiller, Wright State University
- Vice President of Publications: Rajiv Kohli, College of William & Mary
- Vice President of Conferences: Traci Carte, Illinois State University
- Vice President of SIGs and Chapters:Lakshmi Iyer, Appalachian State University
- Vice President of Strategic Partnerships: Michael Rosemann, Queensland University of Technology
- Vice President of Education: Heikki Topi, Bentley University
- Vice President of Member Services: Helle Zinner Henriksen, Copenhagen Business School
- ICIS Representative: Jane Fedorowicz, Bentley University
- Vice President of Region 3: Atreyi Kankanhalli, National University of Singapore
- Vice President of Region 2: Tilo Böhmann, Universität Hamburg
- Vice President of Region 1: Monica Garfield, Bentley University
July 2019 - June 2020
- President: Alan Dennis, Indiana University
- President Elect: Brian Fitzgerald, University of Limerick
- Immediate Past Present: Ting-Peng Liang, National Sun Yat-sen University Taiwan
- At Large: Matti Rossi, Aalto University School Business
- Treasurer: Vishal Midha, Illinois State University
- Secretary: Shu Schiller, Wright State University
- Vice President of Publications: Rajiv Kohli, College of William & Mary
- Vice President of Conferences: Traci Carte, Illinois State University
- Vice President of SIGs and Chapters: Lakshmi Iyer, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
- Vice President of Student Chapters: Rhonda Syler, University of Arkansas
- Vice President of Education: Heikki Topi, Bentley University
- Vice President of Member Services: Helle Zinner Henriksen, Copenhagen Business School
- ICIS Representative: Rob Nickerson, San Francisco State University
- Vice President of Region 3: Atreyi Kankanhalli, National University of Singapore
- Vice President of Region 2: Tilo Böhmann, Universität Hamburg
- Vice President of Region 1: Stacie Petter, Baylor University
July 2018 - June 2019
- President: Ting-Peng Liang, National Sun Yat-sen University Taiwan
- President Elect: Alan Dennis, Indiana University
- Immediate Past Present: Matti Rossi, Aalto University School of Business
- At Large: Community Member 1
- Treasurer: Vishal Midha, Illinois State University
- Secretary: Shu Schiller, Wright State University
- Vice President of Publications: Carol Saunders, Northern Arizona University
- Vice President of Conferences: Traci Carte, Illinios State University
- Vice President of SIGs and Chapters: Lakshmi Iyer, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
- Vice President of Student Chapters: Rhonda Syler, University of Arkansas
- Vice President of Education: Heikki Topi, Bentley University
- Vice President of Member Services: Ryan Wright, University of Virginia
- ICIS Representative: Ritu Agarwal, University of Maryland
- Region 3 Rep: Ming-Hui Huang, National Taiwan University
- Region 2 Rep: Tilo Böhmann, Universität Hamburg
- Region 1 Rep: Stacie Petter, Baylor University
July 2017 - June 2018
- President: Matti Rossi, Aalto University School of Business
- President Elect: TP Liang, National Sun Yat-sen University Taiwan
- Immediate Past Present: Community Member 1
- Treasurer: Vishal Midha, Illinois State University
- Secretary: Mary C. Jones, University of North Texas
- Vice President of Publications: Carol Saunders, Northern Arizona University
- Vice President of Conferences: Alan Dennis, Indiana University
- Vice President of SIGs and Chapters: Lakshmi Iyer, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
- Vice President of Student Chapters:Rhonda Syler, University of Arkansas
- Vice President of Education:Heikki Topi, Bentley University
- Vice President of Member Services: Ryan Wright, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
- Vice President of Technology: Harry Wang, University of Delaware
- ICIS Representative:John Mooney, Pepperdine University
- Region 3 Rep: Ming-Hui Huang, National Taiwan University
- Region 2 Rep: Roman Beck, IT University of Copenhagen
- Region 1 Rep: Stacie Petter, Baylor University
July 2016 - June 2017
- President: Community Member 1
- President Elect: Matti Rossi, Aalto University School of Business
- Immediate Past Present: Jae Kyu Lee, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Executive Director: Jody McGinness
- Treasurer: Matt Nelson, Illinois State University
- Secretary: Mary C. Jones, University of North Texas
- Vice President of Publications: Carol Saunders, Northern Arizona University
- Vice President of Conferences: Alan Dennis, Indiana University
- Vice President of SIGs and Chapters: Lakshmi Iyer, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
- Vice President of Student Chapters: James Parrish, Nova Southeastern University
- Vice President of Education: Jan vom Brocke, Universität Liechtenstein
- Vice President of Member Services: Ryan Wright, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
- Vice President of Communications: Kevin Desouza, Arizona State University
- Vice President of Technology: Harry Wang, University of Delaware
- ICIS Representative: Dorothy Leidner, Baylor University
- Region 3 Rep: Ming-Hui Huang, National Taiwan University
- Region 2 Rep: Roman Beck, IT University of Copenhagen
- Region 1 Rep: Stacie Petter, Baylor University
July 2015 - June 2016
- President: Jae Kyu Lee, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- President Elect: Community Member 1
- Immediate Past Present: Helmut Krcmar, Technische Universität München
- Interim Executive Director: Matt Nelson
- Secretary: Mary C. Jones, University of North Texas
- Treasurer: Raymon Meservy Brigham Young University
- Vice President of Publications: Virpi Tuunainen, Aalto University School of Business
- Vice President of Conferences: Alan Dennis, Indiana University
- Vice President of SIGs and Chapters: Julie Kendall, Rutgers University
- Vice President of Student Chapters: James Parrish Nova Southeastern University
- Vice President of Education: Jan vom Brocke Universität Liechtenstein
- Vice President of Member Services: Ryan Wright, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
- Vice President of Communications: Kevin Desouza Arizona State University
- Vice President of Technology: Harry Wang University of Delaware
- Region 3 Rep: Jae Nam Lee, Korea University Business School
- Region 2 Rep: Tim Weitzel, University of Bamberg
- Region 1 Rep: Stacie Petter Baylor University
July 2014 - June 2015
- President: Helmut Krcmar, Technische Universität München
- President Elect: Jae Kyu Lee, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Immediate Past Present: Jane Fedorowicz, Bentley University
- Executive Director: Pete Tinsley
- Secretary: Mary C. Jones, University of North Texas
- Treasurer: Matthew Nelson, Illinois State University
- Vice President of Publications: Virpi Tuunainen, Aalto University School of Business
- Vice President of Meetings and Conferences: Cynthia Beath, University of Texas at Austin
- Vice President of SIGs and Chapters: Julie Kendall, Rutgers University
- Vice President of Student Chapters: Lise Urbaczewski, University of Michigan, Dearborn/James Parrish, Nova Southeastern University
- Vice President of Education: Keng Siau, Missouri University of Science and Technology
- Vice President of Member Services: Community Member 1
- Vice President of Communications: Kevin Desouza Arizona State University
- Vice President of Technology: Richard Welke, Georgia State University
- AMCIS Representative: Joe Valacich, University of Arizona
- ICIS Representative: Ferdinando Pennarola, Bocconi University
- Region 3 Rep: Jae Nam Lee, Korea University Business School
- Region 2 Rep: Tim Weitzel, University of Bamberg
- Region 1 Rep: Sandra Slaughter, Georgia Institute of Technology
July 2013 - June 2014
- President: Jane Fedorowicz, Bentley University
- President Elect: Helmut Krcmar, Technische Universität München
- Immediate Past Present: Doug Vogel, City University of Hong Kong
- Executive Director: Pete Tinsley
- Secretary: Mary C. Jones, University of North Texas
- Treasurer: Matthew Nelson, Illinois State University
- Vice President of Publications: Virpi Tuunainen, Aalto University School of Business
- Vice President of Meetings and Conferences: Cynthia Beath, University of Texas at Austin
- Vice President of SIGs and Chapters: Julie Kendall, Rutgers University
- Vice President of Student Chapters: Lise Urbaczewski, University of Michigan, Dearborn/James Parrish, Nova Southeastern University
- Vice President of Education: Keng Siau, Missouri University of Science and Technology
- Vice President of Member Services: Community Member 1
- Vice President of Communications: Richard Baskerville, Georgia State University
- Vice President of Technology: Richard Welke, Georgia State University
- AMCIS Representative: Joe Valacich, University of Arizona
- ICIS Representative: Joey George, Iowa State University
- Region 3 Rep: Eldon Y. Li, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
- Region 2 Rep: Tim Weitzel, University of Bamberg
- Region 1 Rep: Sandra Slaughter, Georgia Institute of Technology
July 2012 - June 2013
- President: Doug Vogel, City University of Hong Kong
- President Elect: Jane Fedorowicz, Bentley University
- Immediate Past Present: Dov Te'eni, Tel Aviv University
- Executive Director: Pete Tinsley
- Secretary: Mary C. Jones, University of North Texas
- Treasurer: Matthew Nelson, Illinois State University
- Vice President of Publications: Kalle Lyytinen, Case Western Reserve University
- Vice President of Meetings and Conferences: Cynthia Beath, University of Texas at Austin
- Vice President of SIGs and Chapters: Julie Kendall, Rutgers University
- Vice President of Student Chapters: Lise Urbaczewski, University of Michigan, Dearborn
- Vice President of Education: Keng Siau, Missouri University of Science and Technology
- Vice President of Member Services: Community Member 1
- Vice President of Communications: Richard Baskerville, Georgia State University
- Vice President of Technology: Andrew Schwarz, Louisiana State University
- AMCIS Representative: Vallabh Sambamurthy, Michigan State University
- ICIS Representative: Dennis Galletta, University of Pittsburgh
- Region 3 Rep: Eldon Y. Li, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
- Region 2 Rep: Nancy Pouloudi, Athens University of Econ. and Business
- Region 1 Rep: Sandra Slaughter, Georgia Institute of Technology
July 2011 - June 2012
- President: Dov Te'eni, Tel Aviv University
- President Elect: Doug Vogel, City University of Hong Kong
- Immediate Past President: Joey George, Florida State University
- Executive Director: Pete Tinsley
- Secretary: Jane Fedorowicz, Bentley University
- Treasurer: Matthew Nelson, Illinois State University
- Vice President of Publications: Kalle Lyytinen, Case Western Reserve University
- Vice President of Meetings and Conferences: Robert Nickerson, San Francisco State University
- Vice President of SIGs and Chapters: Julie Kendall, Rutgers University
- Vice President of Student Chapters: Lise Urbaczewski, University of Michigan, Dearborn
- Vice President of Education: Keng Siau, University of Nebraska, Omaha
- Vice President of Member Services: Community Member 1
- Vice President of Communications: Richard Baskerville, Georgia State University
- Vice President of Technology: Andrew Schwarz, Louisiana State University
- AMCIS Representative: Jerry Luftman, Global Institute for IT Management
- ICIS Representative: Rajiv Sabherwal, University of Missouri, St. Louis
- Council - Asia Pacific: Erik Wang, National Central University
- Council - Europe/Africa/Middle East: Nancy Pouloudi, Athens University of Econ. and Business
- Council - Americas: Andrew Burton-Jones, University of British Columbia
July 2010 - June 2011
- President: Joey George, Florida State University
- President Elect: Dov Te'eni, Tel Aviv University
- Immediate Past President: Bernard Tan, National University of Singapore
- Executive Director: Pete Tinsley
- Secretary: Jane Fedorowicz, Bentley University
- Treasurer: Matthew Nelson, Illinois State University
- Vice President of Publications: Kalle Lyytinen, Case Western Reserve University
- Vice President of Meetings and Conferences: Robert Nickerson, San Francisco State University
- Vice President of SIGs and Chapters: Julie Kendall, Rutgers University
- Vice President of Student Chapters: Munir Mandviwalla, Temple University
- Vice President of Education: Mary Granger, George Washington University
- Vice President of Member Services: Community Member 1
- Vice President of Communications: Richard Baskerville, Georgia State University
- Vice President of Accreditation: Roy D. Johnson, University of Pretoria
- Vice President of Technology: Andrew Schwarz, Louisiana State University
- AMCIS Representative: Ramesh Sharda, Oklahoma State University
- ICIS Representative: Wendy Currie, Warwick Business School
- Council - Asia Pacific: Peter Seddon, University of Melbourne, and Erik Wang, National Central University
- Council - Europe/Africa/Middle East: Nancy Pouloudi, Athens University of Econ. and Business, and Bruce Weber, London Business School
- Council - Americas: Andrew Burton-Jones, University of British Columbia, and Irma Beccera-Fernandez, Florida International University
July 2009 - June 2010
- President: Bernard Tan, National University of Singapore
- President Elect: Joey George, Florida State University
- Immediate Past President: David Avison, ESSEC Business School
- Executive Director: Pete Tinsley
- Secretary: Jane Fedorowicz, Bentley University
- Treasurer: Rayman D. Meservy, Brigham Young University
- Vice President of Publications: Guy Fitzgerald, Brunel University
- Vice President of Meetings and Conferences: Robert Nickerson, San Francisco State University
- Vice President of SIGs and Chapters: Sue Congor, University of Dallas
- Vice President of Education: Mary Granger, George Washington University
- Vice President of Member Services: Community Member 1
- Vice President of Communications: Sue Newell, Bentley University and Warwick University
- Vice President of Accreditation: Roy D. Johnson, University of Pretoria
- Vice President of Technology: Andrew Schwarz, Louisiana State University
- AMCIS Representative: Ali Reza Montazemi, McMaster University
- ICIS Representative: Dov Te'eni, Tel Aviv University
- Council - Asia Pacific: Peter Seddon, University of Melbourne, and Hock-Hai Teo, National University of Singapore
- Council - Europe/Africa/Middle East: Marco D. Marco, Catholic University of Milano, and Bruce Weber, London Business School
- Council - Americas: Guillermo Rodriguez-Abitia, ITESM, and Irma Beccera-Fernandez, Florida International University
July 2008 - June 2009
- President: David Avison, ESSEC Business School
- President Elect: Bernard Tan, National University of Singapore
- Immediate Past President: Dennis Galletta, University of Pittsburgh
- Executive Director: Pete Tinsley
- Secretary: Yolande Chan, Queen's University
- Treasurer: Rayman D. Meservy, Brigham Young University
- Vice President of Publications: Guy Fitzgerald, Brunel University
- Vice President of Meetings and Conferences: Reza Torkzadeh, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- Vice President of SIGs and Chapters: Sue Congor, University of Dallas
- Vice President of Education: Mary Granger, George Washington University
- Vice President of Member Services: Cathy Urquhart, University of Auckland
- Vice President of Communications: Sue Newell, Bentley University and Warwick University
- Vice President of Accreditation: Roy D. Johnson, University of Pretoria
- Vice President of Technology: Andrew Schwarz, Louisiana State University
- AMCIS Representative: John Hoxmeier, Colorado State University
- ICIS Representative: Brent Gallupe, Queen's University
- Council - Asia Pacific: Shirley Gregor, The Australian National University, and Hock-Hai Teo, National University of Singapore
- Council - Europe/Africa/Middle East: Ola Henfridsson, Viktoria Institute and Halmstad University, and Marco D. Marco, Catholic University of Milano
- Council - Americas: Guillermo Rodriguez-Abitia, ITESM, and Nicholas Romano, Oklahoma State University
July 2007 - June 2008
- President: Dennis Galletta, University of Pittsburgh
- President Elect: David Avison, ESSEC Business School
- Immediate Past President: Michael Myers, University of Auckland
- Executive Director: Pete Tinsley
- Secretary: Yolande Chan, Queen's University
- Treasurer: Rayman D. Meservy, Brigham Young University
- Vice President of Publications: Guy Fitzgerald, Brunel University
- Vice President of Meetings and Conferences: Vacant
- Vice President of Chapters and Affiliated Organizations: Sue Congor, University of Dallas
- Vice President of Education: Roy D. Johnson, University of Pretoria
- Vice President of SIGs and Member Services: Cathy Urquhart, University of Auckland
- Vice President of Communications: Sue Newell, Bentley College and Warwick University
- Vice President of Accreditation: John Gorgone, Bentley College
- Vice President of Technology: Andrew Schwarz, Louisiana State University
- AMCIS Representative: Guillermo Rodriguez Abitia, ITESM
- ICIS Representative: Dave Haseman, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
- Council - Asia Pacific: Shirley Gregor, The Australian National University, and James Thong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Council - Europe/Africa/Middle East: Brian Fitzgerald, University of Ireland, Limerick, and Ola Henfridsson, Viktoria Institute and Halmstad University
- Council - Americas: Suzanne Rivard, HEC Montreal, and Nicholas Romano, Oklahoma State University
July 2006 - June 2007
- President: Michael Myers, University of Auckland
- President Elect: Dennis Galletta, University of Pittsburgh
- Immediate Past President: Claudia Loebbecke, University of Cologne
- Executive Director: Ephraim McLean, Georgia State University
- Secretary: Yolande Chan, Queen's University
- Treasurer: Rayman D. Meservy, Brigham Young University
- Vice President of Publications: Jane Webster, Queen's University
- Vice President of Meetings and Conferences: Patrick Chau, University of Hong Kong
- Vice President of Chapters and Affiliated Organizations: John Mooney, Pepperdine University
- Vice President of Education: Roy D. Johnson, University of Pretoria
- Vice President of SIGs and Member Services: Cathy Urquhart, University of Auckland
- Vice President of Communications: Emmanual Monod, Paris Dauphine University
- Vice President of Accreditation: John Gorgone, Bentley College
- AMCIS Representative: Guillermo Rodriguez Abitia, ITESM
- ICIS Representative: Dave Haseman, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
- Council - Asia Pacific: T.P. Liang, National Sun Yat-Sen University, and James Thong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Council - Europe/Africa/Middle East: Brian Fitzgerald, University of Limerick, Ireland, and Matti Rossi, Helsinki School of Economics
- Council - Americas: Suzanne Rivard, HEC Montreal, and Nancy Russo, Northern Illinois University
July 2005 - June 2006
- President: Claudia Loebbecke, University of Cologne
- President Elect: Michael Myers, University of Auckland
- Immediate Past President: Rick Watson, University of Georgia
- Executive Director: Ephraim McLean, Georgia State University
- Secretary: Ilze Zigurs, University of Nebraska, Omaha
- Treasurer: Rayman D. Meservy, Brigham Young University
- Vice President of Publications: Jane Webster, Queen's University
- Vice President of Meetings and Conferences: Malcolm C. Munro, University of Calgary
- Vice President of Affiliated Organizations: John Mooney, Pepperdine University
- Vice President of Education: Roy D. Johnson, Georgia State University
- Vice President of SIGs and Member Services: Ritu Agarwal, University of Maryland, College Park
- Vice President of Communications: Emmanual Monod, Paris Dauphine University
- Vice President of Accreditation: John Gorgone, Bentley College
- AMCIS Representative: Deepak Khazanchi, University of Nebraska, Omaha
- ICIS Representative: Reza Torkzadeh, University of Nevada Las Vegas
- Council - Asia Pacific: T.P. Liang, National Sun Yat-Sen University, and Bernard Tan, National University of Singapore
- Council - Europe/Africa/Middle East: Wendy Currie, University of Warwick, and Matti Rossi, Helsinki School of Economics
- Council - Americas: Macedonio Alanis, ITESM, and Nancy Russo, Northern Illinois University
July 2004 - June 2005
- President: Rick Watson, University of Georgia
- President Elect: Claudia Loebbecke, University of Cologne
- Immediate Past President: Kwok-Kee Wei, City University of Hong Kong
- Executive Director: Ephraim McLean, Georgia State University
- Secretary: Ilze Zigurs, University of Nebraska, Omaha
- Treasurer: Rayman D. Meservy, Brigham Young University
- Vice President of Publications: Detmar Straub, Georgia State University
- Vice President of Meetings and Conferences: Malcolm C. Munro, University of Calgary
- Vice President of Affiliated Organizations: John Mooney, Pepperdine University
- Vice President of Education: Lynne Markus, Bentley College
- Vice President of Member Services: Ritu Agarwal, University of Maryland, College Park
- Vice President of Communications: Emmanual Monod, University of Nantes and Georgia State University
- ICIS Representative: Joe Valacich, Washington State University
- Council - Asia Pacific: Bernard Tan, National University of Singapore, and Felix Tan, University of Auckland
- Council - Europe/Africa/Middle East: Wendy Currie, University of Warwick, and Timo Saarinen
- Council - Americas: Macedonio Alanis, ITESM, and Laurie Kirsch, University of Pittsburgh
May 2003 - June 2004
- President: Kwok-Kee Wei, City University of Hong Kong
- President Elect: Rick Watson, University of Georgia
- Immediate Past President: Phillip Ein-Dor, Tel Aviv University
- Executive Director: Ephraim McLean, Georgia State University
- Secretary: Ilze Zigurs, University of Nebraska, Omaha
- Treasurer: Rayman D. Meservy, Brigham Young University
- Vice President of Publications: Detmar Straub, Georgia State University
- Vice President of Meetings and Conferences: Malcolm C. Munro, University of Calgary
- Vice President of Affiliated Organizations: Jane Fedorowicz, Bentley College
- Vice President of Education: Lynne Markus, Bentley College
- Vice President of Member Services: Ritu Agarwal, University of Maryland, College Park
- Vice President of Communications: Emmanual Monod, University of Nantes and Georgia State University
- ICIS Representative: Joe Valacich, Washington State University
- Council - Asia Pacific: Sid Huff, Victorial University of Wellington, and Felix Tan, University of Auckland
- Council - Europe/Africa/Middle East: Joze Gricar, University of Maribor, and Timo Saarinen
- Council - Americas: Laurie Kirsch, University of Pittsburgh, and Diane Strong, Worcester Polytechnical University
May 2002 - April 2003
- President: Phillip Ein-Dor, Tel Aviv University
- President Elect: Kwok-Kee Wei, University of Singapore
- Immediate Past President: Blake Ives, University of Houston
- Executive Director: Ephraim McLean, Georgia State University
- Secretary: Iris Vessey, Indiana University
- Treasurer: Richard Elnicki, University of Florida
- Vice President of Publications: Cynthia Beath, University of Texas, Austin
- Vice President of Meetings and Conferences: Malcolm C. Munro, University of Calgary
- Vice President of Affiliated Organizations: Jane Fedorowicz, Bentley College
- Vice President of Education: Lynne Markus, Bentley College
- Vice President of Member Services: Dennis Galletta, University of Pittsburgh
- Vice President of Communications: Richard Watson, University of Georgia
- Vice President of Development: Reagan Ramsower, Baylor University
- ICIS Representative: Joey George, Florida State University
- Council - Asia Pacific: Patrick Chau, The University of Hong Kong, and Sid Huff, Victorial University of Wellington
- Council - Europe/Africa/Middle East: Joze Gricar, University of Maribor, and Claudia Loebbecke, University of Cologne
- Council - Americas: Jaana Porra, University of Houston, and Diane Strong, Worcester Polytechnical University
May 2001 - April 2002
- President: Blake Ives, University of Houston
- President Elect: Phillip Ein-Dor, Tel Aviv University
- Immediate Past President: Michael R. Vitale, University of New South Wales
- Executive Director: Ephraim McLean, Georgia State University
- Secretary: Iris Vessey, Indiana University
- Treasurer: Richard Elnicki, University of Florida
- Vice President of Publications: Rudy A. Hirschheim, University of Houston
- Vice President of Meetings and Conferences: Malcolm C. Munro, University of Calgary
- Vice President of Affiliated Organizations: Jane Fedorowicz, Bentley College
- Vice President of Education: Maryam Alavi, Emory University
- Vice President of Member Services: Dennis Galletta, University of Pittsburgh
- Vice President of Communications: Richard Watson, Georgia State University
- Vice President of Development: Reagan Ramsower, Baylor University
- ICIS Representative: Joey George, Florida State University
- Council - Asia Pacific: Patrick Chau, University of Hong Kong, and Kwok-Kee Wei, University of Singapore
- Council - Europe/Africa/Middle East: Guy Fitzgerald Brunel University, UK, and Claudia Loebbecke, University of Cologne
- Council - Americas: Cynthia Beath, University of Texas, Austin, and Jaana Porra, University of Houston
January 2000 - April 2001
- President: Michael R. Vitale, University of New South Wales
- President Elect: Blake Ives, University of Houston
- Immediate Past President: Robert Galliers, University of Warwick
- Executive Director: Ephraim McLean, Georgia State University
- Secretary: Iris Vessey, Indiana University
- Treasurer: Richard Elnicki, University of Florida
- Vice President of Publications: Rudy A. Hirschheim, University of Houston
- Vice President of Meetings: Malcolm C. Munro, University of Calgary
- Vice President of Affiliated Organizations: Jane Fedorowicz, Bentley College
- Vice President of Education: Maryam Alavi, Emory University
- Vice President of Member Activities: Dennis Galletta, University of Pittsburgh
- Vice President of Communications: Richard Watson, University of Georgia
- Vice President of Development: Kar Yan Tam, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
- Council - Asia Pacific: Patrick Chau, The University of Hong Kong, and Michael D. Myers, The University of Auckland
- Council - Europe/Africa/Middle East: Guy Fitzgerald, University College, Dublin, and John G. Mooney, Brunel University, UK
- Council - Americas: Michael J. Ginzberg, Case Western Reserve University, and Jaana Porra, University of Houston
- President: Robert D. Galliers, Warwick Business School
- President Elect: Michael R. Vitale, Melbourne Business School
- Immediate Past President: Gordon Davis, University of Minnesota
- Executive Director: Ephraim McLean, Georgia State University
- Secretary: Iris Vessey, Indiana University
- Treasurer: Mary Lind, North Caroline A&T State University
- Vice President of Publications: Rudy A. Hirschheim, University of Houston
- Vice President of Meetings: Andrew S. Philippakis, Arizona State University
- Vice President of Affiliated Organizations: Jane Fedorowicz, Bentley College
- Vice President of Education: Maryam Alavi, University of Maryland
- Vice President of Member and Chapter Activities: Michael Goul, Arizone State University
- Vice President of Communications: Blake Ives, Louisiana State University
- Vice President of Development: Kar Yan Tam, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
- Council - Asia Pacific: Michael D. Myers, University of Auckland, and Ryutaro Manabe, Bunkyo University
- Council - Europe/Africa/Middle East: Henk G. Sol, Delft University of Technology, and John G. Mooney, University College, Dublin
- Council - Americas: Michael J. Ginzberg, Case Western Reserve University, and Hugh Watson, University of Georgia
- Director of Industry Relations: Don Hardaway, St. Louis University
- President: Gordon B. Davis, University of Minnesota
- President Elect: Robert D. Galliers, Warwick Business School
- Past President: Ron Weber, University of Queensland
- Executive Director: Ephraim McLean, Georgia State University
- Secretary: Iris Vessey, Indiana University
- Treasurer: Mary Lind, North Carolina A&T State University
- Vice President of Publications: Henry C. Lucas, New York University
- Vice President of Meetings: Andrew S. Philippakis, Arizona State University
- Vice President of Affiliated Organizations: Jane Fedorowicz, Bentley College
- Vice President of Education: Maryam Alavi, University of Maryland
- Vice President of Member and Chapter Activities: Michael Goul, Arizona State University
- Vice President of Advanced Technology: Blake Ives, Louisiana State University
- Vice President of Development: Kar Yan Tam, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
- Council - Asia Pacific: Guy Gable, Queensland University of Technology, and Ryutaro Manabe, Bunkyo University
- Council - Europe/Africa/Middle East: Phillip Ein-Dor, Tel Aviv University, and Henk G. Sol, Delft University of Technology
- Council - Americas: William C. (Bill) Perkins, Indiana University, and Hugh Watson, University of Georgia
- Director of Industry Relations: Don Hardaway, St. Louis University
- President: Ron Weber, University of Queensland
- President Elect: Gordon B. Davis, University of Minnesota
- Past President and Executive Director: William R. King, University of Pittsburgh
- Immediate Past President: Niels Bjorn-Andersen, Copenhagen Business School
- Secretary: Iris Vessey, Indiana University
- Treasurer: Mary Lind, North Carolina A&T State University
- Vice President of Publications: Henry C. Lucas, New York University
- Vice President of Meetings: Andrew S. Philippakis, Arizona State University
- Vice President of Affiliated Organizations: Ephraim R. McLean, Georgia State University
- Vice President of Education: Maryam Alavi, University of Maryland
- Vice President of Member Activities: Michael Goul, Arizona State University
- Vice President of Advanced Technology: Matthias Jarke, RWTH Aachen, Lehrstuhl fur Informatik V
- Vice President of Development: Jack D. Becker, University of North Texas
- Council - Asia Pacific: Guy Gable, Queensland University of Technology, and Margaret Tan, National University of Singapore
- Council - Europe/Africa/Middle East: Phillip Ein-Dor, Tel Aviv University and Helmut Krcmar, University of Hohenheim
- Council - Americas: Dennis Galletta, University of Pittsburgh, and William C. (Bill) Perkins, Indiana University
- Director of Industry Relations: Don Hardaway, St. Louis University
- President: Niels Bjorn-Andersen, Copenhagen Business School
- President Elect: Ron Weber, University of Queensland
- Immediate Past President and Executive Director: William R. King, University of Pittsburgh
- Secretary: Iris Vessey, Indiana University
- Treasurer: Gordon B. Davis, University of Minnesota
- Vice President of Publications: Henry C. Lucas, New York University
- Vice President of Meetings: Henk G. Sol, Delft University of Technology
- Vice President of Affiliated Organizations: Ephraim R. McLean, Georgia State University
- Vice President of Eduction: Maryam Alavi, University of Maryland
- Vice President of Member Activities: Sirkaa L. Jarvenpaa, University of Texas, Austin
- Vice President of Advanced Technology: Matthias Jarke, RWTH Aachen, Lehrstuhl fur Informatik V
- Vice President of Development: Jack D. Becker, University of North Texas
- Council - Asia Pacific: Roger A. Clarke, Australian National University, and Margaret Tan, National University
of Singapore
- Council - Europe/Africa/Middle East: Chrisanthi Avgerou, London School of Economics, and Helmut Krcmar, University of Hohenheim
- Council - Americas: Dennis Galletta, University of Pittsburgh, and M. Lynne Markus, The Claremont Graduate School