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This international organization shall be named the Association for Information Sytems, hereinafter referred to as "AIS" or as "The Association"

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AIS is an international organization that seeks to identify, extend, unify, and communicate knowledge in information technology (IT), systems (IS), and management (IM). For simplicity, in this constitution, the abbreviation IS and the term "Information Systems" will be used to refer to IT, IS, and IM jointly.

The specific purposes of AIS are to:
  • create and maintain a professional identity for IS educators, researchers and professionals
  • promote communications and interaction among members
  • provide a focal point for contact and relations with bodies in government, the private sector, and in education that influence and/or control the nature of information systems
  • improve curricula, pedagogy, and other aspects of IS education
  • create a vision for the future of the IS field and profession
  • create and implement a modern, technologically sophisticated professional society
  • establish standards of practice, ethics, and education where appropriate.
  • include professionals worldwide.

To these ends, AIS intends to conduct meetings, to publish books, journals, and other materials; to cooperate with other organizations interested in the advancement and practice of information systems, to stimulate research; to promote high professional standards, and in general, to promote the growth of information systems, and to improve the profession's quality throughout the world.

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Section 1. Classes of Membership. AIS shall have three classes of membership, each with qualifications, privileges, and voting rights as specified in the Constitution and Bylaws of AIS.

a) Members. Persons qualified to be members are those who subscribe to the objectives of AIS

b) Student Members. Individuals who are registered as full-time students in an educational institution and who subscribe to the objectives of AIS are qualified for student membership.

c) Institutional Members. Organizations may be affiliated with AIS as institutional members if they subscribe to the objectives of AIS and meet all other qualifications established by the Bylaws.

Section 2. Eligibility. Any person or institution will be admitted to membership upon receipt of a properly executed application and the payment of the appropriate fee as prescribed by the Council.

Section 3. Definitions. Hereinafter in this Constitution and in the Bylaws, the term "member" and "member of AIS" appearing without a
  • qualifier shall mean individual members (both Members and Student Members). All members shall have the same rights and privileges,
  • including voting, holding office, nominating other members for office, and serving on Council of AIS. A member in good standing is defined as
  • one who has paid dues within two months of the date specified in the Bylaws. The term "year" shall mean the fiscal year of AIS. The term
  • "mail" shall mean post, facsimile, electronic mail, or any other technology deemed to be appropriate by Council.

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Section 1. Composition. The Council of AIS shall consist of its officers, the immediate Past President, and from 6 to 12 members elected to serve on the Council. The number of members to serve on the Council shall be determined by the Council.

Section 2. Authority and Duties. The Council shall be the chief legislative, policy making, judicial, and review body of AIS. It shall have preemptive authority in Association matters over all officers, members of all classes, applicants, committees, subdivisions and other bodies created by AIS, and shall authorize their implementation by means of suitable budgets, motions, authority for contracts and expenditures; by creating and staffing positions and committees; by approving appointments; through amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws, and by such other actions as it may deem necessary. The Council shall review the manner in which the officers of AIS carry out their respective duties. It shall fill vacancies in the Council in accordance with the manner specified in the Bylaws.

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Section 1. Title and Authority. The officers of AIS shall be a President, a President-Elect; one or more functional Vice-Presidents as specified by the Council; A Treasurer; and a Secretary. The responsibility of individual officers, except as prescribed by the Constitution and the bylaws of AIS, shall be established by actions of the Council. Only members of AIS may be nominated or hold office.

Section 2. Duties.

a) The President. The President shall be the chief executive officer of AIS, performing all duties required by the Constitution and Bylaws as well as any additional duties specified by the Council. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Council or of AIS.

b) The President-Elect. The President-Elect shall serve as a general assistant to the President and shall assume the office of President in a manner that is specified in the Bylaws.

c) Vice Presidents. Each Vice President shall plan and administer the affairs of AIS within his/her particular functional area.

d) The Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer of AIS. She/he shall plan and administer the budget as specified by Council. He/she shall perform the duties usual to the office of an organization treasurer including those required by this Constitution and Bylaws or by actions of the council

e) The Secretary. The Secretary shall perform the duties usual to the office of an organization secretary and those required by this Constitution and Bylaws or by actions of the council

Section 3. Tenure. The tenure of officers shall be specified in the Bylaws. Officers shall serve until notified by the Secretary that their successors have taken office.

Section 4. Precedence. The order of precedence shall be President; President-Elect; Treasurer, The Vice Presidents, in the order established in the Bylaws, the Secretary, and the Past-President.

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There shall be an annual election by mail ballot. Every member in good standing shall be allowed to vote for officers and members to represent them on the Council, in accordance with the election process specified in the Bylaws of AIS. Officers and members elected to serve on the Council may not succeed themselves in that office.

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AIS is organized into three World Regions.

Region 1. The Americas

Region 2. Europe, Middle East, and Africa

Region 3. Asia and the Pacific

Each World Region is free, but not required, to develop its own governance structure. The Council must approve the plan for Regional governance prior to implementation.

Each Region shall be entitled to at least one seat on the Council.

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Section 1. Classes of Affiliation. The Association shall have two classes of affiliated organizations: (1) stand-alone organizations and (2) special interest groups within AIS.

Section 2. Stand-Alone Organizations. Admission of an organization to Stand-Alone affiliated status must be approved by a three-fifth vote of Council. An affiliation agreement specifying the financial relationship and other matters must also be approved by a three-fifths vote. Members of the affiliated organization receive all privileges of membership in AIS, except those that may be excepted by the affiliation agreement. However, people who are both members of the affiliated organization and of AIS are entitled to only one vote in AIS. In the judgment of the AIS Council, the Constitution and Bylaws of affiliated organizations must not violate the ethical or professional standards of AIS. Council may choose to disaffiliate with a stand-alone organization by majority vote. Except in unusual circumstances, six months notice must be given before disaffiliation is implemented.

Section 3. Subdivisions. With the approval of Council, members may form Subdivisions within AIS to further the objectives of AIS as stated in ARTICLE II. Such Subdivisions shall conduct their affairs in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of AIS as interpreted by the Council. These Subdivision groups shall have the same status and role as affiliated Stand-Alone Organizations. Council The council may dissolve a subdivision for due cause.

Section 4. Other Groups. Council may, through the Bylaws, establish other groups within AIS.

Section 5. Names. Affiliated stand-alone organizations may describe themselves by any name so long as it does not conflict with AIS. Both Stand-Alone Organizations and Subdivisions may append the phrase "within AIS"

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There shall be two classes of committees: Standing Committees and Ad Hoc Committees. Standing Committees are created by the Council and report to the Council. Chairpersons and members of Standing Committees shall be appointed by the President with the approval of Council. Standing Committees are designated in the Bylaws of AIS. The composition and terms of membership shall be in accordance with the Bylaws.

Any officer of the Association may appoint ad hoc committees to assist in carrying out her/his duties, provided that the term of said committee falls within the officer's term of office and provided said committee does not infringe unduly upon the authority of a Standing Committee or an officer of the Association.

All Committees shall conduct their business in accordance with such standing rules as the Council may adopt for their guidance.

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Section 1. Professional Meetings. Council shall schedule professional meetings of AIS. Council can, if it so chooses, co-sponsor professional meetings organized by groups other than AIS.

Section 2. General Business Meetings. There shall be at least one general business meeting of AIS each year open to all members and held in conjunction with a professional meeting as defined in Section 1, including a meeting that AIS cosponsors. At these general business meetings, the President shall make a verbal report on the status of AIS, entertain suggestions from the members, and transact such other items of business as may be relevant. Other general business meetings may be called at such times and in such manner as may be determined by the Council.

Section 3. Council Meetings. The Council shall meet as a separate body at least once each year. Council meetings may be called at other times in response to a request by the President or by three other members of the Council, but only upon timely notice to all members of the Council.

Section 4. Regional Meetings. Each Region of AIS shall hold professional and business meetings as established by its governance structure.

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No ARTICLE shall be added to this Constitution and no part shall be amended or annulled, except by formal proposal, followed by opportunity for discussion at a general business meeting of AIS and by a mail ballot.

Proposal of a change shall be made by a three-fifth vote of the Council or by a petition to the Secretary signed by at least twenty-five members of the Association.

The Secretary shall distribute copies of the proposed changes to all members of the Association not less than three weeks before a general business meeting, and opportunities shall be given for discussion at this general business meeting.

Not more than eight weeks after this general business meeting, the Secretary shall distribute to all members copies of the proposed change, an explanation of the purpose of the change, ballot forms, and the effective date of the change, if approved.

A change proposed by Council may, at the discretion of the Council, be submitted with modifications made in the light of the discussion at the general business meeting. A change proposed by petition shall be submitted in the original form, but the Council shall have the right to submit an amendment to the change in light of the discussion at the general business meeting.

No ballot shall be counted unless marked by a qualified voter to indicate the voter's choice, returned to the Secretary in the manner specified, bears the voter's name, and received by the Secretary not later than a date to be specified by him/her, provided that this date is not less than sixty days from the mailing of the ballot.

The adoption of the proposed change shall required the affirmative vote of no fewer than three-fifth of the members voting.

The result of the balloting shall be announced to the membership by the Secretary and, if approved, the change shall become effective at the date previously stipulated by the Secretary.

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The Bylaws of AIS may be adopted, annulled, or amended by an affirmative vote of at least three-fifth of all members of the Council. The Council shall have the authority to interpret the Bylaws.

Bylaws may also be adopted, annulled or amended by an affirmative vote of at least three-fifth of the members present at a general business meeting of AIS. Members shall be given adequate notice of proposed Bylaws changes prior to such a meeting.


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