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Outstanding SIGs and Chapters of 2014

Monday, May 18, 2015   (1 Comments)

We are pleased to announce 21 SIGs and Chapters earned the designation of Outstanding SIG or Chapter for 2014. This is the inaugural group to receive this new recognition.

The AIS Council created this new recognition program to celebrate the great work being done by our SIGs, Chapters, and Colleges. This program is designed to recognize groups that do an outstanding job of supporting the mission of AIS through the advancement of knowledge and the promotion of excellence in the practice and study of information systems. Some of the criteria included holding events, tracks, or workshops, publishing journals or articles, officer transitions, internal communications, and more.

“The hard work and dedication of all of the officers and members of the Outstanding SIGs and Chapters is truly impressive. They have achieved success because of their willingness to invest not only their intellectual capital but also their sweat equity into their group. Bravo!” said Julie Kendall, AIS VP for SIGs, Chapters, and Colleges. 

Please join us in congratulating these recipients by reaching out to the group leaders. Thank you to all of the groups that submitted their 2014 annual reports and applications. Keep up the great work!

If you are interested in learning more about or joining a SIG, Chapter, or College, click here.

Name of Group

Group Leader

SIGASYS (Accounting Information Systems)

Dr. Carlos Ferran

SIGITProjMgmt (IT Project Management)

Alanah Mitchell, Ph.D.

SIGADIT (SIG Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technologies)

Dr. J.J. Po-An Hseih

SIG DSA (Decision Support and Analytics)

Dr. Ozgur Turetken

SIGeMedia(Electronic Media)

Dr. Artur Lugmayr

SIG-Health (IT in Healthcare)

Dr. Gondy Leroy


Dr. Michael Shaw

SIGGreen(Green IS)

Dr. Chadi Aoun

SIGSAND(Systems Analysis and Design)

Dr. Palash Bera

SIGSVC (Services)

Dr. Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen

SIGHCI (Special Interest Group on Human-Computer Interaction)

Dr. Na Li

Australasian Association on Information Systems

Dr. Glenn Stewart

China Association for Information Systems

Dr. Guoqing Chen

Scandinavian Chapter of the AIS(IRIS)

Tuure Tuunanen

Italy (ItAIS)

Dr. Ferdinando Pennarola

Korean Chapter of Association for Information Systems

Dr. Sang-Yong Tom Lee & Dr. Dan J. Kim

Liechtenstein Chapter of the AIS

Dr. Jan vom Brocke

Midwest AIS (MWAIS)

Dr. Gaurav Bansal

Polish Chapter of Association for Information Systems(PLAIS)

Dr. Stanislaw Wrycza

Swiss Chapter of the AIS (CHAIS)

Dr. Robert Winter

Taiwan Association for information systems

Dr. She-I Chang



Matthew L. Nelson says...
Posted Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Congratulations to all of the winners!


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